A market-neutral strategy may be a useful tool for reducing an investment portfolio’s overall risk while preserving return potential. A market-neutral strategy seeks to generate investment returns that are independent of the market environment.
Investors who might benefit from market-neutral strategies include those seeking to stabilize and diversify their portfolios with investments that don’t typically move in tandem with most traditional asset classes.
However, these strategies may invest in assets such as derivatives that can be riskier and more volatile than traditional investments, particularly in falling markets. A poorly designed or badly executed strategy may not provide the desired insulation and could amplify the market’s swings. Therefore, investors must delve deeply into the details of each product’s structure and contingency plans before initiating a strategy.
In our upcoming webinar, our expert analyst Yogesh Khairajani will help to develop and implement a few market neutral strategies to diversify investment approaches.
In our upcoming webinar, our expert analyst Yogesh Khairajani will help to develop and implement a few market neutral strategies to diversify investment approaches.
Meet our speaker |
Hello, I am Yogesh Khairajani, Global Market Strategist at Century Financial. With over 3 decades of legacy, Century Financial is a pioneer in global financial investments in the UAE.
My expertise spans Performance & Portfolio Management, Investments, Risk Management, Financial Analysis and Wealth Management.
I am passionate about training prospective investors (from novice to experienced) and I have conducted over 200 training sessions, seminars, webinars and workshops. Besides my professional commitment at Century, I also actively manage a trading blog site that talks about investment and trading with a dash of humor. I am an active writer on Quora and regional publications. Lastly, I love to travel around the globe.
Yogesh is a qualified investment consultant & coach and holds a degree in Business Administration from the Institute of Management Sciences, Lucknow. He is a certified Behavioral Finance expert from Duke University and has completed Harvard affiliated Fintech program, 2021.
He has completed the following professional certifications from CISI:
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