Monday, November 11, 2019
Khaleej Times – Indian rupee may hit 23 vs UAE dirham; FDs, not the best investment
By Vijay Valecha in 'Century in News'

Countries are trying to reduce interest rates and increase liquidity. The Indian rupee will remain under pressure and the government will allow the currency to depreciate further in the coming years to improve its competitiveness and increase exports as currencies of other emerging markets will also decline, say, analysts
Given the Indonesian rupiah, Thai baht and Malaysian ringgit also falling, Reserve Bank of India will soon be forced to take action and reduce currency,” he said while addressing the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India – Dubai chapter forum held in Dubai on Saturday.
Anish Mehta, chairman of ICAI’s Dubai chapter, said in his opening address that investments are important also because in today’s world, just earning money, probably, is not enough. “We all work hard for the money we earn. But to lead even a better lifestyle, we need to ensure that our money works hard for us as well.”Sunil Singhania, the founder of Abakkus Asset Manager, also believes that rupee will depreciate but not as fast as witnessed previously because the oil will remain low in the near future and that will put less pressure on the currency.”For rupees, there have been structural changes for the better.
One is India’s inflation was always 5 to 7 percent which has come down to 3.5 percent to 4 percent. Logically, with lower inflation, rupee depreciation should be lower. Secondly, the rupee is dictated by oil prices because our biggest trade deficit item is oil. Fundamentally, oil looks weaker at $60 and below, hence, the outlook for the rupee is that it will depreciate at much lower than the historical average. It should not depreciate more than two percent in five years every year,” Singhania said on the sidelines of the ICAI conference. But, he said, if China also let its currency depreciate, then it becomes difficult for New Delhi but China has not done it for a long period of time in the past.
Sundar Nurani, the vice-chairman of ICAI’s Dubai chapter, said New Delhi’s emphasis on several investment programs is an indication that the economy is gradually phasing away from consumption-led to the investment-led economy, which provides a frame.
Anurag Chaturvedi, the managing partner at Chartered House Tax Consultancy, said the Indian economy continues to be among the fastest-growing major economies in the world as the markets are doing great in the long run. “We have been witnessing recent reforms favoring the country’s growth including a sharp cut in corporate taxes, in a bid to boost growth.
“More Fed, RBI rates cuts
Sunil Singhania, the founder of Abakkus Asset Manager, expects at least a 50 basis point rate cut by the Reserve Bank of India over the next six months because inflation is under control and the government needs to kick start the economy and reducing interest rate should be one big weapon.
Source – Khaleej Times