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Trading Smart series – Articles

The articles in this series provide concise guides on some of the key trading concepts and analysis techniques. Our article library has been organised into six categories below:

Trading Basics

Trading Basics

These articles cover trading basics, from risk management to common mistakes and tips from experienced industry analysts.

Trading Strategies

Trading Strategies

Learn about different trading strategies, how they can help your trading and how to develop them.

Trading Assets

Trading Assets

Find guides here to improve your knowledge on specific asset classes including stocks, shares, commodities, and indices.

Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

Learn how you can incorporate technical analysis into your trading to identify trading opportunities on charts. We cover some of the most popular chart patterns and explain some of the most common indicators that guide technical analysts.

Platform Features

Platform Features

See our guides on platform features for Next Generation trading platform. Covering topics from fundamental analysis reports and resources to risk-management features, this platform features guides cover anything platform-related.

Trading Definitions

Trading Definitions

Discover definitions and explanations to some of the most common acronyms in a trader's vocabulary here.