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لا تقدم سنشري للاستشارات والتحليل المالي ش.ذ.م.م (سنشري) خدمات استشارية استثمارية أو خدمات إدارة المحافظ ولا تضمن العوائد الاستثمارية. كما أننا لا نقبل ولا ندفع بعملة مشفرة أو عملة رقمية. موقعنا الإلكتروني الرسمي هو www.century.ae. احذر من الشركات المحتالة أو المواقع الإلكترونية التي تتظاهر بأنها شركة سنشري. لسنا مسؤولين عن أي خسائر تنجم عن استخدام مواقع إلكترونية أو كيانات مزيفة. ينطوي التداول في الأسواق المالية على مخاطر خسارة كبيرة قد تفوق الودائع وربما لا يناسب جميع المستثمرين. قبل أن تبدأ، يُرجى التأكد من فهمك التام للمخاطر ذات الصلة.


Century Trader New



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Century App

Access markets anytime & anywhere
with the New Century Trader

Maximize your trading potential
 with Global Markets

Smart trades made easy

Trade what's trending now

Get ahead of the curve by following the hottest market discussions. Our platform highlights the instruments generating the most interest, fueling your trading inspiration and helping you capitalize on emerging trends.

Enhanced account analytics

Gain deeper insights into your trading performance with our enhanced account analytics. Century Trader offers detailed analytics, intuitive visualizations, and real-time updates to help you make informed decisions and optimize your trading strategies. Stay on top of your investments and track your progress with ease.

Fresh from the news desk

Expand your horizons and trade with confidence. Driven by Trading Central, explore insightful news coverage, in-depth media analysis, and live price updates across a diverse range of global products.

Feel the emotions of the market

Does the market feel confident about your favorite instrument? Or is it just a whim? What is the overall market sentiment? Feel what the markets feel and find out the depth of these emotions with a subjectivity score - a tool to identify market bubbles.

Analyze the popularity of your favorite instrument

Find out how popular is your favorite instrument with the AI-driven listening feature. Check how often the news talks about a particular instrument and if they are famous on the news, the web, or social media.

Learn from past events & price reactions with interactive charts

Explore how similar events and past data unfolded, with key news announcements layered directly onto interactive price charts. Learn from history and gain a valuable edge for your future trades.

Get an eagle eye on the markets

See where the market is moving with popular searches, price direction, and trading volume data. Get a wholesome view of the market and use it to execute smart trades.

Unique Features

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Intraday trend analysis​

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40+ technical indicators & studies​

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Detailed investment strategies & insights​

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Advance Economic Calendar

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Global range of products

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News and Sentiment analysis

Deposit and Funding

Choose from a range of easy and safe funding options that compliments your style of investing.

Learn More

Bank Transfer

Credit/Debit Card

UAE Connect Bank

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The key features of the Century Trader App:

  • Upgraded look: Modernized and user-friendly app interface.
  • Upgraded Watchlist: Simplified creation and management of multiple watchlists.
  • Push Notifications: Stay up to date with custom Push Notifications.
  • Account info masking: Toggle visibility of account details.
  • Watchlist market cards: Quick snapshots of market trends, technical data, and news analysis
  • Biometric Login: Secure access to the app using fingerprint, facial, or pattern recognition.
  • Client onboarding for new clients: Directly onboard new clients through the app.
  • Demo account onboarding: Instantly open demo accounts through the Century Trader New app.
  • Advanced Economic Calendar: Track economic events with detailed forecasts, historical data, and event-based charts.
  • Top products news sentiment and technical analysis: Bubble chart visualizing popular products' news sentiment and technical analysis.
  • Investment Insights: Comprehensive strategies and analyses from our in-house research team.
  • Market Views: Pre-market opening briefs and news updates sourced from Trading Central.
  • Trend analysis: Identify and analyze intraday trends, get support and resistance levels.
  • Technical analysis: Detailed examination of chart trends and patterns.
  • Media mentions: Monitor product mentions across news, web and socials
  • News: Product specific latest news sourced from Trading Central
  • News attention: Track the level of media focus on specific products.
  • Sentiment analysis: Gauge market sentiment through advanced analytics.
  • Chart event impacts: Visualize the effects of various technical studies plotted on charts.
  • Position market updates: Real-time trend analysis for current open positions
  • Upgraded account management: Enhanced data and visualizers for efficient account management
  • Margin Utilization chart: Visual representation of margin usage split by product and asset categories
  • Performance charts: Track and analyze performance of close positions over-time.
  • Trade calendar: Complementing the performance chart, view and analyze your winning and losing trades in a calendar form.

Century Trader is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Yes, Century Trader offers a demo account. You can open your demo account instantly through the Century Trader App or by using the link provided here to start practicing and familiarizing yourself with the platform’s features before transitioning to real trading.

The Century Trader App prioritises security with features like biometric and pattern login, ensuring that your account can only be accessed via fingerprint, facial recognition, or pattern. Additionally, the app offers account information masking, allowing you to toggle visibility of your account details

The platform supports trading on a vast range of products, including but not limited to:

  • Global Stocks
  • Global Indices
  • ETFs
  • Currencies
  • Bonds
  • Metals
  • Energy
  • Agro Commodities

Yes, the Century Trader app provides a comprehensive charting experience with over 40+ pre-set indicators and 35+ advanced charting tools. These tools are designed to help you perform in-depth technical analysis, track market trends, and make informed trading decisions with ease.

If you need any assistance with our Century Trader App, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at +971 (4) 356 2888 or email at services@century.ae.

هل أنت مستعد للاستثمار؟

استكشف تجربة تداول جديدة مع
تطبيق سنشري تريدر

يمكن أن تتجاوز الخسائر قيمة إيداعاتك

هل أنت مستعد للاستثمار؟

استكشف تجربة تداول جديدة مع
تطبيق سنشري تريدر

يمكن أن تتجاوز الخسائر قيمة ودائعك