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محفظة استثمارية متنوعة

انقر على المعيار المحدد على المؤشر للتعرف على استراتيجيات التداول المتحفظة، المعتدلة والمغامرة.

توزيع الأصول
العملات الأجنبية
ملاحظة: هذا لأغراض التوضيح فقط وليس هناك أي التزام بقبول توزيع الأصول التي توفرها هذه الأداة. مزيج المحفظة ليس نصيحة استثمارية ولا اقتراحًا بشأن تخصيص الأصول ليتم اعتماده من قبل المستثمرين.
أسواق تداول
نطاق التداول
U.S. Global Jets ETF
Range 19.89-21.33
Exchange-traded funds shriveled and thrived on the volatilities in global markets Friday, triggered by investor fears about a new Covid-19 variant called omicron. Travel-related funds took a hit, too, because of what new restrictions on foreign visitors could mean. On Friday, for example, the U.S. imposed a travel ban on eight countries: South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Malawi. Consequently, the $3.6 billion U.S. Global Jets ETF (JETS), which holds 50 stocks in major airlines, tumbled 7.2% on the day after thanksgiving as news of the Omicron variant broke. Japan, Isreal and Morocco imposed travel bans as WHO declared that the new variant had higher transmission rates.
Spain 35
Range 8100.65-9038.62
The Spanish Index is formulated of the Utilities sector, succeeded by the Financial and Consumer Discretionary sector. Utilities comprises of over 22% of the index, and the sector remains at a disadvantage in Spain. A package of government measures imposed in Spain to reduce the impact of surging energy prices on electricity bills were mostly at the expense of the country's integrated utilities, leaving them at a competitive disadvantage to European peers. Thus, the financials of the companies under this sub sector do not showcase stellar growth rates in the previous quarters. These overall impacts the performance of the index to a great extent.
Range 1.105-1.155
Dollar gave up its gains against the euro in Black Friday’s session as markets reassessed the Fed’s likely hawkish position in light of the ongoing risk market selloff. The matter has become even more complicated for Fed as Powell and the team will now be required to sound more dovish than before. The discovery of a new COIVD -19 variant has provided much-needed relief to euro bulls as the entire hawkish central bank narrative will likely give way to whatever it takes to support the markets. As per the recent CME Fed Watch Tool, markets are now pricing a 36 % probability of Fed leaving its policy rate unchanged by June ‘2022, against the previous 18 % probability number. Amongst the major data releases all eyes will be on Fed Chair Powell’s testimony to US Congress and US NFP data.
Range 1666.56-1926.1
Volatility in the metal came as investors digested the news of Omicron covid variant and reassessed the Fed’s tightening expectations. The new coronavirus variant has spread rapidly around the world, with new cases found in the U.K., the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia, prompting more travel restrictions. This has raised fears of global slowdown and underpinned gold’s safe-haven demand. The metal is on its way to reclaim $1800 mark as investors believe Central Banks will quickly shift their monetary policy stance from tightening to accommodative. If the virus escalates further, the interest rates, which are at record lows, will likely stay near those levels and gold will likely benefit in this scenario. Investors will look forward to the speeches from Fed Chair Jerome Powell and ECB President Christine Lagarde for further cues.
Vanguard Short-Term Corporate Bond Index
Range 79.41-83.48
Vanguard Short-Term Corporate Bond Index is a compelling option for exposure to short-term investment-grade corporate bonds. VCSH offers only short-term bonds with an average duration of 2.8 years across the roughly 2,300 individual bonds in the portfolio. Chances are pretty low that firms like Goldman Sachs Group (GS) or Apple (AAPL) that make up this fund will disappear in the next year or two, so that makes this fund much less risky. Meanwhile, the roll-out of covid-19 vaccines will aid the economic recovery and boosts the profits of these companies.
iShares iBoxx $ High Yield Corporate Bond ETF
Range 83.33-87.60
iShares iBoxx High Yield Corporate Bond ETF is an exchange-traded fund incorporated in the USA. The ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of U.S. dollar-denominated, high yield corporate bonds. The prospects of larger stimulus checks coupled with successfull roll-out of covid-19 vaccines have bolstered hopes of a strong economic rebound next year which will also help these companies add to their top and bottom lines.
iShares iBoxx $ Investment GradeCorporate BondETF
Range 129.38-136.01
The iShares iBoxx $ Investment Grade Corporate Bond ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of U.S. dollar-denominated, investment grade corporate bonds. There are slim chances for the funds top issuers such are Goldman Sachs Group (GS), Bank of America (BAC) or Apple (AAPL) to disappear in the next year or two, making this fund much less risky. The average duration of the fund being 9 years and the rate flattening at the longer end of the yield curve could give a boost to the price increase
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF
Range 111.68-117.54
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG) is one of the 10 largest ETFs on Wall Street and one of the most popular fixed-income options. This fund offers broad exposure to U.S. investment-grade bonds, including Treasury bonds, agency mortgage debt from government-backed entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and corporate bonds from highly-rated firms like Bank of America Corp. (BAC). There is built-in diversification and a focus on lower risk. AGG also offers a scale and liquidity that appeals to investors as the fund boasts almost $67 billion in assets and regularly trades north of 3 million shares each day.

Data Source: Bloomberg

Arun Leslie John
Chief Market Analyst

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Risks & Assumptions
The strategy might suffer from look-ahead bias which occurs due to use of information or data in a study or simulation that would not have been known or available during the period being analyzed. This can lead to inaccurate results in the study or simulation.
Future price movements may not be exactly the same as the historical price movements and this could lead to variation in performance.
Testing can sometimes lead to over-optimization. This is a condition where performance results are tuned so high to the past they are no longer as accurate in the future.
The model assumes no slippages in trading. Slippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is actually executed.
Drawdowns in actual trading can be higher than the tested system and loses could significant in the event of leverage.
Unforeseen events can lead to variation in performance from the tested trading strategy.
The tested result has been computed with price feeds available from Bloomberg.
The testing environment has not considered transaction or any other costs.
Trading indicators used for the purpose of testing has been provided by Bloomberg.
The strategy might suffer from data mining fallacy, selection bias and backfill bias.