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Monday, February 12, 2018

DP world entering Indian logistics

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل سنشري للاستشارات

DP world entering Indian logistics

UAE and India have shared a very progressive relationship when it comes to emerging economies. This sentiment gets reflected multi-fold in the recent reports of UAE based DP world entering the Indian logistics and shipping industry. India’s potential when it comes to expansion and growth has attained a lot of attention from its global counterparts. Along with this the Indian PM’s vision of improving production, ease of doing business and the financial system as a whole project – a huge scale of growth is coming its way.

However, with the intra-country logistics system still lagging in development, DP World is aiming to strengthen the waterways and river transport system. The port operator recently signed a $3 billion joint venture with the National Indian Infrastructure Fund to improve logistics in various areas.