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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Capitalizing On Sector Rotation - Small Caps in a Trump-Era, Low-Rate Economy

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل سنشري للاستشارات

Capitalizing On Sector Rotation - Small Caps in...
Shariah-Compliant Stock         src="https://d10t455z86w23i.cloudfront.net/public/uploads/editor-images/images/Header-Shariah-Compliant-Stock.png"
        style="height:auto; width:100%" />






Investors’ attention over the first half of 2024 was broadly captivated by large-cap companies, particularly the
                Magnificent 7. This rally was sparked by the euphoria surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI), resilient financial
                performance in an environment of high interest rates, and growing evidence of disinflation in various economic reports.
                Now, the second half of the year is shaping up to be a dynamic period for the U.S. markets given the heightened prospect
                of a Fed pivot to rate cuts and the political saga unfolding in the run up to the presidential elections. Wall Street is buzzing
                with murmurs about “The Great Rotation” as market participants shift their attention to small-cap companies from their
                larger counterparts.


Represented by the Russell 2000 Index, small caps have finally managed to break out above their two-year trading
                    range. Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell’s Congressional testimony was the primary catalyst that lent a leg up to the equity
                    gauge. Powell’s remarks acknowledging the considerable easing in the labour market across key measures was viewed
                    as an encouraging sign. Recent data suggests a marked slowdown in hiring and three straight months of rising
                    unemployment. Powell provided a boost to small caps by cautioning that maintaining current interest rates for too long
                    might hinder economic growth. Lower-valuation companies, which typically have higher debt levels, stand to benefit
                    when the central bank begins reducing borrowing costs. Although Powell did not oer a timeline, his tone suggested it
                    was a matter of “when” instead of “if” the Fed would slash rates this year. Consequently, markets estimate a 97%
                    probability that the first interest rate cut could occur in September.



Federal Reserve Interest Rate probability


Date: 23rd July 2024:
Source: Bloomberg



The growing likelihood of former President Donald Trump winning the upcoming U.S. presidential election is also
                promising for small-cap stocks. A failed attempt to assassinate Trump in addition to Biden’s dismal performance during
                the presidential debate and eventual withdrawal from the race only bolstered Trump’s chances of securing a win. Vice
                President Kamala Harris has now stepped into the race. The Biden/Harris campaign entered July with about $96 million
                on hand. However, donors are starting to back out. Instead, Trump’s campaign is attracting hefty contributions, and the
                polls so far indicate the possibility of a Republican victory. Trump’s proposed policies include lowering the corporate tax
                rate to as little as 15% from the current 21% and aim to diminish the power of financial regulators. Such policies are
                conducive to a strong performance by smaller companies


The Russell 2000 Index soared to a 52-week high of $2,278.12 on 17th July 2024, which also marks its highest value
                    since January 2022. The index surged 11.5% over the five trading days leading up to 17th July 2024, outpacing the S&P
                    500 by 9.9 percentage points during the same period. This marks the largest five-day gap between the two indexes since
                    at least 1986. The following table illustrates the exceptional performance of the sectors within the Russell 2000 since 10th
                    July 2024:






Sectoral Performance since Powell’s Congressional
Testimony on 10th July to 19th July 2024



Shares of financial and biotechnology firms make up significant portions of the small-cap sector, accounting for
            approximately 15% and 9% of the Russell 2000 index, respectively.


Financial stocks - These have been standout performers, rising by 11.26% over this period. In doing so, they eectively
            surpassed their 2022 apex that had acted as crucial resistance to previous rallies. Even smaller regional banks appear to
            be recovering from the significant challenges they faced earlier this year, including large-scale deposit withdrawals and
            concerns about commercial real estate loans.


Biotech companies - These are often capital-intensive, requiring significant investments in research and development to
            bring new drugs to market. Lower interest rates make it more aordable for biotech companies to obtain loans or raise
            capital through debt financing. This extra funding can be utilized to speed up drug development, expand operations, or
            acquire other companies, thereby boosting profitability.


Energy companies - Trump has traditionally supported reducing regulations on fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural
            gas. This often involves loosening restrictions on drilling and mining, which can lower operational costs and boost
            production for energy companies. Additionally, there may be tax incentives and subsidies for the fossil fuel sector,
            improving profitability. Trump's emphasis on U.S. energy independence could also lead to policies that promote domestic
            oil and gas production, including backing infrastructure projects like pipelines and oshore drilling, which would benefit
            energy companies


Others - Bitcoin miner and crypto companieshat have faced obstacles in going public in the U.S. could emerge as a
            clear beneficiary under a second Trump administration. It might also pave the way for increased banking support of
            crypto firms. Gold mining companies might perform well since precious metals often attract buyers in a low-interest-rate


Wall Street is starting to believe that the extraordinary performance of the top seven tech giants in the U.S. might have hit
                a wall after a prolonged period of dominance over the past year and a half.



With investors booking profits in these high-valued tech stocks, the capital is being funneled into the more overlooked
                areas of the stock market such as the U.S. small caps.







*CMP as of 19 July 2024.
Date: 22 July 2024
Source Bloomberg




            style="font-size: 1.2rem; line-height: 1.25; background-color: #eeeeee;">

Risks and Assumptions related to Back-tested trading strategies




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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

The risks and assumptions listed here
                        are not intended to be an
                        exhaustive summary of all the risks and assumptions involved.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

The strategy might suffer from
                        look-ahead bias which occurs due to the use of
                        information or data in a study or simulation that
                        would not have been known or available during the period being analyzed. This can lead to
                        inaccurate results in the study or simulation.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

Future price movements may not be
                        exactly the same as the historical price movements and this could lead to variation in



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

Testing can sometimes lead to
                        over-optimization. This is a condition where performance results are tuned so high to the past
                        they are no longer as accurate in the future.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

The model assumes no slippages in
                        trading. Slippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price
                        at which the trade is actually executed.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

The back-tested strategy might be at
                        risk of data dredging, which is the behavior of testing multiple hypotheses at one time,
                        resulting in picking the data that best supports your main hypothesis.





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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

Drawdowns in actual trading can be
                        higher than the tested system and losses could be significant in the event of leverage.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

Unforeseen events can lead to variation
                        in performance from the tested trading strategy.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

The tested result has been computed
                        with price feeds available from Bloomberg.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

The testing environment has not
                        considered transaction or any other costs.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

Trading indicators used for the purpose
                        of testing has been provided by Bloomberg.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

The strategy might suffer from data
                        mining fallacy, selection bias and backfill bias.



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

A trading strategy that performs well
                        on multiple datasets from one market (e.g., forex) might not perform as well in another market
                        (e.g., stocks).



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                            style="height:18px; width:18px" />

The strategy may not depict accuracy in
                        terms of spread changes due to the spread-widening events.







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