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Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Gift Kits Distributed To 500 Blue-Collar Workers

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل سنشري للاستشارات

Gift Kits Distributed To 500 Blue-Collar Workers

The initiative is part of a UAE based financial company’s bid to help the less fortunate this Ramadan

Century Financial Brokers, a UAE-based financial services provider, in association with SmartLife, an NGO registered with the Community Development Authority in Dubai that works for the betterment of blue-collar workers, embraced the spirit of giving this Ramadan by distributing ‘Health, Wealth and Happiness’ kits to over 500 workers.

The gift kits comprised hygiene-related items, prepaid vouchers for money transfer charges to send their money to their families, and prepaid telephone cards to assist them in making international calls and staying in touch with their respective families and friends back home.
