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Friday, June 24, 2022

Khaleej Times - Century Financial observes 'International Yoga Day'

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل بال كريشين

Khaleej Times - Century Financial observes...
Bal Krishen, Special to Khaleej Times June 24, 2022

Joining the global celebrations of International Yoga Day, Century Financial arranged a yoga training session for its employees on June 20. Highlighting yoga as an ancient discipline to maintain physical health and mental well-being; a group session was conducted by renowned trainer, Sana Tilwalli, and it was attended by over 150 yoga enthusiasts at Century Financial’s golf area.

Speaking of the event, Bal Krishen, CEO and chairman, Century Financial, said: “The definition of yoga is 'Yoga ChittaVrittiNiruddah' which means yoga is the art of stilling the mind to experience ultimate reality. When our thoughts are calm and our minds in their natural state of tranquillity, we can take better decisions in life including financial decisions. Also, yoga resonates with our values at Century Financial which supports and invests in its CSR theme — health, wealth and happiness, supporting mental and physical well-being of all."

In line with World Environment Day, sustainability and global development are important and it’ll be great if we can contribute to it by activating and inspiring the yoga community. Lastly, in addition to the health benefits, practising yoga also disciplines the way we think and helps in practising calm amidst the chaos which is essential in the field of finance and investments," Krishnen added.

Century Financial aims to continue maintaining this practice of introducing its employees to healthy lifestyle habits throughout the year.

Khaleej Times