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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Khaleej Times - Century Financial leadership granted the UAE Golden Visa

تم إعداد هذا المنشور من قبل بال كريشين

Khaleej Times - Century Financial leadership...

Leading businessmen and senior leadership at Century Financial, Bal Krishen and Deepak Sawarthia have been granted the UAE Golden Visa. Both the senior leaders have had a long association with the UAE. They have played a significant role in establishing successful ventures contributing to the growth of the financial investment and telecom sector in the UAE.

Sawarthia has established a robust foundation for Krishna International, making a significant impact in the UAE’s telecom sector and across the globe. As a part of his entrepreneurial journey in the UAE, he has recently come on board as a managing director of Century Financial.

Krishen is the visionary chairman and CEO of UAE-based Century Financial, a pioneering investment firm in global financial markets. He has helped the company expand over three successful decades of growth. Now, under his helm, the company has embarked on a major diversification journey that covers financial services and technology-related sectors.

Both the leaders enjoy high respect and credibility amongst their business and industry peers.


Khaleej Times